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The Biology Of Cancer

Weiberg, R.A. [Garland Science 2007]

Thoroughly updated and incorporating the most important advances in the fast-growing field of cancer biology, The Biology of Cancer, Second Edition, maintains all of its hallmark features admired by students, instructors, researchers, and clinicians around the world.

The Biology of Cancer is a textbook for students studying the molecular and cellular bases of cancer at the undergraduate, graduate, and medical school levels. The principles of cancer biology are presented in an organized, cogent, and in-depth manner. The clarity of writing, supported by an extensive full-color art program and numerous pedagogical features, makes the book accessible and engaging. The information unfolds through the presentation of key experiments that give readers a sense of discovery and provide insights into the conceptual foundation underlying modern cancer biology.

The new Second Edition has been comprehensively revised and updated to include major advances in cancer biology over the past six years. Updates include current information on:

  • The tumor microenvironment
  • Metastatic dissemination
  • Tumor immunology
  • Cancer stem cells
  • The epithelial-mesenchymal transition
  • Multi-step tumorigenesis
  • Invasion and metastasis
  • Mutation of cancer cell genomes
  • Greatly expanded treatment of traditional therapy
  • Epigenetic contributions
  • MicroRNA involvement
  • The Warburg effect

Introduction to the Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer 4th ed.

Knowles, M and Selby, P. [Oxford Univ Press 2005]

Inroduction to the Cellular and Moleculer Biology of CancerThis new edition o Introduction and Molecular Biology of Cancer provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of cancer biology, covering the current status of both research and treatment. For the student or new researcher the breadth of cancer research can appear daunting, yet a broad understanding is essential for translation of laboratory findings into the clinic. Within the broad scope of the book, each topic is reviewed authoritatively by experts in the field, and the accompanying bibliographies allow rapid access to the relevant current literature. The book covers topics extending from the molecular alterations found in cancer cells and their causes to the current range of approaches to treatment. Since the publication of the previous edition in 1997 there has been unprecedented progress in cancer research: this is reflected by an extensive revision of all the material, and the addition of eight new chapters, covering DNA repair, epigenetic events, the cell cycle, cell immortalization, apoptosis, angiogenesis, animal models, the genome, transcriptome and proteome, radiotherapy and molecular radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and gene therapy. The fourth edition of the popular book will serve as a text for both undergraduate and postgraduate use and also as an introduction for clinicians and scientists new to the field.

Cancer Biology 3rd ed.

(King, R.J.B. and Robis M.W.) [Pearson, 2006]

Provides a clear, concise and authoritative introduction to the biological principles that underlie the causes and treatment of cancer. The authors draw on their extensive teaching experience to guide students through this complex subject, and knit together the diverse areas encompassed in the study of cancer. This third edition is updated to include areas of recent research which excite student interest.

Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer

Weber, G.F. [2007 Springer]

This book describes molecular processes whose deregulation is important in the formation of tumors. The material is developed from basic cell signaling pathways to their roles in the clinical manifestation of specific cancers. Topics covered include molecular events intrinsic to tumor cells (leading to growth deregulation, extended lifespan, and the ability to invade surrounding tissue), protective mechanisms that prevent transformation (including DNA repair and epigenetic regulation), tumor-host interactions (with the endocrine system, the immune system, and blood vessel formation), and the underlying molecular defects of individual cancers.




The Molecular Basis of Cancer 3rd ed.

Mendelsohn J., Howley P.M., Israel M,A., Gray J.W., Thompson C.B. [Saunders, Elsevier 2008]

Successfully fighting cancer starts with understanding how it begins. This thoroughly revised 3rd Edition explores the scientific basis for our current understanding of malignant transformation and the pathogenesis and treatment of cancer. A team of leading experts thoroughly explain the molecular biologic principles that underlie the diagnostic tests and therapeutic interventions now being used in clinical trials and practice. Incorporating cutting-edge advances and the newest research, the book provides thorough descriptions of everything from molecular abnormalities in common cancers to new approaches for cancer therapy. A new full-color format expedites reference, and now as an Expert Consult title, it enables you to conveniently search the entire text online, download all of the book’s images for your personal use, and review periodic updates.

  • Offers online access the book’s complete contents-fully searchable-along with periodic updates, and artwork from the text for your personal use.
  • Features sweeping updates throughout, including molecular targets for the development of anti-cancer drugs, gene therapy, and vaccines…keeping you on the cutting edge of your specialty.
  • Offers a new, more user-friendly full-color format so the information that you need is easier to find.
  • Presents abundant figures-all redrawn in full color-illustrating major concepts for easier comprehension.
  • Features numerous descriptions of the latest clinical strategies-helping you to understand and take advantage of today’s state-of-the-art biotechnology advances.

Cancer Biology

Ruddon, W.R. [Oxford University Press 2007]

The fourth edition of this traditional text offers an intensive, yet concise assessment of the mobile and molecular mechanisms concerned within the transformation of regular into malignant cells, the invasiveness of cancer cells into host tissues, and the metastatic unfold of most cancers cells within the host organism. It defines the fundamental pathophysiologic adjustments that happen in tumor tissue and within the host animal or patient. Each chapter discusses the historical development of a discipline, citing the important thing experimental advances to the present day, and evaluates the current proof that best helps or rules out ideas of the molecular and mobile mechanisms regulating cancer cell behavior. For all of the areas of basic cancer analysis, an effort has been made to relate basic analysis findings to the scientific illness states. The e-book is properly written and effectively illustrated, with schematic diagrams and precise analysis knowledge to exhibit points made within the text. There’s also an in depth, up-to-date bibliography, making the e book useful to scientists, and to physicians, college students, and nurses interested in the discipline of most cancers biology. The subjects covered embrace pathologic characterization of human tumors, epidemiology of human cancer, regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, cellular and molecular phenotypic traits of the most cancers cell, mechanisms of carcinogenesis, tumor initiation and promotion, viral carcinogenesis, oncogenes and oncogene merchandise, progress components, chromosomal alterations in cancer, mechanisms of tumor metastasis, host-tumor interactions, elementary facets of tumor immunology, and the advances in most cancers cell biology that may result in improved analysis and therapy of cancer in the future.


Заридзе Д.Г.  [Москва Медицина 2004]

Книга является руководством по фундаментальной онкологии. В ней представлены современные сведения, касающиеся эпидемиологии рака, химического, вирусного и радиационного канцерогенеза. Подробно рассмотрены генетические механизмы малигнизации клетки и влияние экзогенных факторов на процесс канцерогенеза. Главы, посвященные иммунологии рака, включают вопросы иммунологического контроля и отбора опухолевых клеток в процессе роста опухоли, а также современные достижения в области иммунопрофилактики, иммунодиагностики и иммунотерапии рака. Рассмотрены основные фундаментальные аспекты химио- и биотерапии опухолей. Описаны современные достижения в области клинического применения результатов молекулярно-генетических исследований, в том числе и генной терапии.
Книга предназначена в качестве руководства по фундаментальным исследованиям в онкологии для широкого круга медицинских работников, биологов, студентов и аспирантов, работающих в этой области.

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